Basic Stack Operations


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Now that you have a conceptual notion of how stacks work, we need to look into the internals of a stack class. Specifically, we will take a look at the main operations for a stack. In this video, we will look at each operation individually by walking through the code.

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The first operation we need to discuss is the class constructor. For a stack, there are two main attributes that the class is responsible for. The stack, which we will implement using an array, and the top attribute, which keeps track of the array index at the top of the stack.

Since our stack is empty when it is created, the stack constructor should allocate the array in memory and then initialize the top attribute to -1, which indicates that the stack is empty.

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The pseudocode for the stack constructor is shown here. Notice that we require the calling method to explicitly provide a capacity value, which will be the initial length of the array.

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The first thing we need to do in these operations is to check our preconditions. In this case, capacity must be an integer that is greater than 0. As you see in our code, we explicitly check to see if the value is an integer value. While this may be necessary in dynamically typed languages such as Python, in typed languages such as Java, C, or C#, we can explicitly define capacity to be an integer type. This effectively ensures that the value passed in will be an integer.

In either case, we must check to ensure that the capacity value is greater than 0. If either one of the precondition checks fail, we will raise an exception and let the calling method handle it.

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If we pass the precondition checks, we then move to the heart of the method. There are basically two lines. One creates the myStack array of the appropriate capacity while the second initializes the class top attribute to -1.

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As I mentioned in a previous slide, both the myStack array and the top attribute are defined at the class level.

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Next, we will look at the push operation, which allows us to put new items on the stack. In our example here, we have an empty stack, presumably just created by our constructor method.

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When a method calls the push operation, we increment the top variable.

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And then we store the data into the array at the index contained in top.

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When we look at the code, the first thing we notice is that the code initially checks its preconditions. In this case, the pop operation must ensure there is space in the array to store the item. If top is already pointing to the end of the array, then we again throw an exception.

If we pass the precondition check, the rest of the operation is simple. We increment top and store the item into the array at top.

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The pop operation allows us to remove items from the top of the stack. Again, there are two basic steps.

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First, we decrement the value of top to point to the new top of the stack.

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Then, we return the item from the old top of the stack.

You might ask why we decrement top before returning the item. I think looking at the code will clarify this question. Basically, when we use the return statement, we exit the current operation, which would leave us with top pointing at the old top of the stack, which is certainly not what we want.

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The pop method is straightforward and structured very similarly to the push operation.

We first check the preconditions, which in the case of pop is that the stack is not empty. If it is we again throw an exception. You might be beginning to notice a pattern here. The first thing we do in these operations is to check our preconditions. This is a great programming habit to get into and is definitely considered a “best practice”.

Finally, if the stack is not empty, we perform the two actions I just described. We decrement top and then return the item at top+1 in the myStack array.

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Next we will look at the isFull operation, which is a really simple method. Basically it just returns the Boolean value of whether top + 1 is equal to the length of the stack. If it is, then isFull returns true, otherwise, it returns false.

You might notice that there are no preconditions to check. It doesn’t matter what state the stack is in, we can always return whether or not the stack is full.

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The isEmpty operation is structured exactly like the isFull operation. The only difference is that we return the value of whether top is equal to -1. If it is, then the stack is empty.

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The peek operation is also almost identical to another operation we have already looked at, in this case the pop operation. The only difference here is that we do not decrement the top attribute. Thus, we return the item at the top of the stack without altering the stack at all.

Notice here, that we have used the isEmpty operation to check to see if top is equal to -1, which we did explicitly in the pop operation. Actually, we should always use the isEmpty operation instead of checking if top is equal to -1. The reason for this is due to the maintainability of the code. While we are currently using -1 to represent an empty array, it is possible that we might someday change the way we represent the stack in our code - which is more common than you might think. By calling the isEmpty operation, if a change does occur, we only have to make a change to the isEmpty operation and all the other methods that call it can stay the same.

I should also point out that how we use the item passed back from the peek function depends on the type of data stored in the stack. If the data is a base type, the values are usually passed directly, while more complex data such as arrays or objects are passed by reference. If the data returned by the peek method is a reference, then you can actually manipulate the data on the top of the stack directly. However, if the data is passed by value, changing the value of the returned item will not affect the value on the top of the stack.

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In many languages, such as Python, you can add space directly to an array or list. In these languages, the doubleCapacity operation is very simple and we won’t cover it here.

In most traditional languages such as Java or C# you cannot simply add space to an array. Therefore, we have to follow a three step process.

First, we must create a new array with double the capacity of our current array. Next, we will need to copy the contents from the current array into the new array. And then, finally, we can point our myStack attribute to point at the new array.

Notice that we do not need to change the value of top since the top of the array in the new array will be in the same place as it was in the old array.

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For the doubleCapacity operation, we have no preconditions since it doesn’t really matter if the array is empty or full. We are just changing the amount of storage available in the array.

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Therefore, the first step will be to actually create the new array with a capacity twice the size of our original array.

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Next, we use a for loop to loop through each item in the current array, copying it to the new array.

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Finally, we point myStack at our new array and we have effectively doubled the size of our array and thus the allowable size of the stack.

When we exit the doubleCapacity function, myStack will be pointing at our new array, so no external methods will even know that anything changed.

Also, the memory locations taken up by the old array will effectively be orphaned – meaning there are no attributes or variables pointing at them – so eventually the memory will be reclaimed and reused.

Up to this point, all the operations we’ve looked at are constant time operations. However, the doubleCapacity operation – and the halveCapacity and toString operations that follow – have a loop, which will introduce a greater time complexity. In this case, it is directly related to the size of the stack. Thus its time complexity would be on the order of N.

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The halveCapacity operation is actually the exact same as the doubleCapacity operation, with two changes. First, we now have a precondition. Since we don’t want to lose any items off the stack, we need to make sure that all the items can actually fit into the new, smaller stack. And second, the new array is created with only one half of the capacity of the old array.

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As always, the first step is to check our precondition. In this case, if top + 1 is greater than one half the capacity of the current array, then we throw an exception since the items on the stack will not fit into the new array.

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However, if we pass our preconditions, we create a new array, half the size of the old array.

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Next, we copy the items from the old array into the new array.

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And finally, we point myStack at the new array.

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All objects are generally required to implement a toString method to override the default toString function provided by the base Object class. This is especially important if you want your output formatted in a specific manner.

In our case, we want ours to list the items in the stack from top to bottom. The overall process is straightforward.

First, we create an empty output string. Next, we loop through the stack from top to bottom appending the string version of each item onto the output string. And finally, we return the output string.

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Here again we do not have a precondition. If there is nothing in the stack we will simply return an empty string, which represents the stack perfectly.

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Finally, once we loop through the stack from top to bottom, we get the output string “dcba”, which is returned to the calling method.

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In this video, we have looked at several basic stack operations and the pseudocode required to implement them. Almost all the operations are straightforward. However, there were several cases where we were required to carefully check the preconditions so the operations worked as advertised. Finally, we saw that many of the operations run in constant time, while more complex operations such as doubleCapacity, halveCapacity and toString run in N time.