Implementing Recursion


Video Script

[slide 2]

In this video, we will look at how recursion works internally on the computer. Specifically, we’ll look at how the operating system handles function calls and what that looks like when the function is a recursive function.

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For our example, we will use a simple function, MAIN, that calls a recursive function, OUTPUT. The OUTPUT function uses head recursion to take in an integer, N, and then write out the sequence of numbers from 0 to N in reverse order.

As you can see in our example, the base case for OUTPUT is when N equals 0. In this case, we write out the current value of N in line 2 and then jump to the return statement in line 7.

If the parameter N is not equal to 0, then the function calls itself recursively with the parameter N-1. Once the recursive call returns, the function writes the number N in line 5 and returns in line 7.

Notice that for this function to work correctly, N should be greater or equal to 0. If not, line 4 will continually call the OUTPUT function with N-1 forever or until we get an error for running out of memory. This is a case of not correctly handling the function’s precondition. I leave it to you as an exercise to figure out how to correct this.

[slide 4]

So, how does the operating system handle function calls. The operating system has its own stack data structure it uses to keep track of the order of function calls. We call this stack the activation stack. When a program is run or a function is called, all the important information about that program or function is saved in an activation record that is pushed onto the activation stack.

A typical activation record has space allocated for a function instance’s parameters, local data or variables, temporary data, and its current status. As we see in our figure, the activation record for the MAIN program has been pushed onto the stack.

[slide 5]

Then, when MAIN calls OUTPUT, the first instance of an OUTPUT activation record is pushed onto the stack. While there are many other data in the activation record, we will be concerned about the return address and the parameter N. The return address actually refers to the next statement to execute in the function that called OUTPUT, which allows execution to begin where it left off after the function call.

In this case, the parameter N is 3 and the return address in the MAIN program is line 2. Execution starts in line 1 of OUTPUT and since N is not equal to 0, we jump to line 4 and call OUTPUT with parameter N-1, or 2.

[slide 6]

We push a second OUTPUT activation record. This time the return address is line 5 of function OUTPUT and the parameter N = 2.

We again start executing at line 1 and end up calling OUTPUT in line 4. This time N-1 will be equal to 1.

[slide 7]

Once again, we create a new OUTPUT activation record and push it on the stack. The return address is line 5 in OUTPUT and the parameter N = 1.

We once again jump to line 4 to call OUTPUT with the new parameter of 0.

[slide 8]

Finally, we push the final activation record for OUTPUT with a return address of 5 and a parameter of N = 0, which results in executing our base case.

In this case, we write out the current value of parameter N, which is 0, and jump to line 7 to return.

Now, when we execute the return, we save the return address from the current activation record and then pop the current activation record off of the stack. We begin executing in the next activation record at the saved return address.

[slide 9]

Thus, in this case, we start execution at line 5 of OUTPUT, which writes out the value of N, which is now 1. By popping off the previous activation record, the context of our execution automatically changes from N = 0 to N = 1.

When we perform the return in line 7, we again save the return address and pop the activation record.

[slide 10]

Here again, we perform the same execution steps as we did for the last activation record, but this time N = 2, so we write out 2 and return.

[slide 11]

Finally, we get down to the last OUTPUT activation record, which again starts at line 5 which was saved from the previous activation record. We write the current value of N, which is now 3, and then return to the MAIN activation record, starting at return address 2.

[slide 12]

Here, we continue execution of the MAIN program at line 2 and write “Done”. We are finally done with our program and the MAIN program exits.

[slide 13]

We have seen how function calls work within the computer. The key to the whole process is using a stack to store data specific to each function. This data is stored in an activation record, which consists of data such as function parameters, local data, and return addresses. Using a stack of activation records allows the operating system to work on one function at a time without losing track of the data associated with all the function calls that have preceded the current function, even in the case of recursive function calls.