Sets In Code


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In this video, I want to talk about what it takes to implement basic sets and set operations in code. There are several different approaches to implementing sets in code, including arrays and linked lists.

We can use arrays much like we did with stacks or queues, keeping track of the starting and ending locations in the array of the set elements. Of course, arrays also have their drawbacks in that they have a limited capacity and we must explicitly manage that capacity.

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However, in this video, we will implement our set operations on top of a doubly linked list. Linked lists have several efficient operations that we can use to implement our set operations, such as append, list iterator, and remove current.

A linked list, as we have seen, is very general and provides much of what we need.

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The first operation we will look at is the contains operation, which we will use to define many of the following set operations. The contains operation determines whether a given object already exists in our set. So, for instance, to ensure we do not have duplicates in our set, we must first check to see if the set already contains an object before we can add it to the set.

So, in our set class, we will define an attribute mySet as a linked list.

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We will use a list iterator – as we will in several of the remaining operations – to walk through the set to find objects of interest.

To start us off, we call the list reset operation to ensure the iterator is ready, and then call the getNext operation to get the first item in the set.

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The heart of the operation is a while loop. We will stay in the loop until we reach the end of the set, or in other words, until the object we get from the getNext operation returns null.

In the contains operation, since we are simply searching for a particular object, if we find that object, then we return true and the operation ends. Otherwise we get the next object from the set via the getNext operation and loop back up to the top.

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Eventually, if we don’t find the object, we will walk through the entire loop and exit when we reach the end. At that point, we declare failure by returning false.

Obviously, since we have to walk through the set using a while loop, the time complexity of contains is order N.

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Next, we will look at the add operation. But before we go about adding the object to our set, we need to enforce the no duplicates rule since our underlying list data structure does not. Therefore, we first check to see if the object to be added already exists in the set. If it does, we return false, indicating that the object was not added to the set.

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If the object does not exist in the set, we then call append to add it to the set and then return true, indicating that we did in fact add the object to the set.

You may ask why we use the append operation instead of the prepend operation. Well, since order doesn’t matter in a set, we can actually use either operation and it will work. I just chose append.

Although we have no loops, and the list append operation runs in constant time, the use of the contains operation increases our runtime. Since contains runs in order N time, the add operation will run in order N time as well, since it can’t run any faster than the operations it calls.

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Next, we need to implement the remove operation, which is designed to remove a given object from the set. Like the contains operation, we will have to use the list iterator operations to walk through the list to find the object. So, we call reset and getNext to retrieve the first object in the list.

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Next, we enter our while loop, which will walk through each object in the set. The only difference between the contains operation and the remove operation is what we do when we find the object. In the contains operation we merely returned true, indicating that we had found the object.

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However, in the remove operation, we add a call to the removeCurrent operation, which actually removes the object from the list. We then return true indicating that we found the object and removed it from the list.

The rest of the loop is the same as contains. We get the next object and return to the top of the loop.

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If we do not find the object, we will again return false indicating that we did not find the object requested.

Again, since we have a loop that walks through each element in the set, the remove operation runs in order N time.

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Our next operation is the intersection operation, which takes a set as input, and returns the intersection of that set and our current set as a set.

The first thing we need to do is create a new set, result, to hold the elements in the intersection of mySet and set2. Then, since we will need to walk through set1, we will use the reset and getNext operations to retrieve the first object, just like we did in the first two operations.

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Next, we have a loop to walk through each object in mySet. Our strategy will be to walk through mySet and see if each object in mySet is also in set2. If it is, we’ll add the object to our result set. Once we are done walking through mySet, we will be done. Thus, the interior of the loop looks much like contains and remove, except this time, if set2 contains the object from mySet, we add the object to the result set.

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After the loop ends, we are guaranteed to have found all the objects in the intersection, so we just return the results set.

Since we loop through each object in mySet, we know we run in at least order N time. However, we also call set2’s contains and add operations, which also run in order N time. Therefore, each time we go through the loop, the intersection operation ends up running in N * 2N, or approximately N squared time.

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When we perform the union operation, we have two sets, mySet and set2, and we have to include each element from both sets in the union. Here, the obvious solution is to walk through each set and add each object we find into a new set called result.

So, like we’ve done before, we use the list iterator function to walk through the loop and call the add operation to add each object we find into result. Now you might be asking, don’t we need to check to see if the object already exists in the result set before we add it. The answer is no because, as you recall, the add operation already checks to make sure the object is not already in the list. If we checked before calling add, we would simply be duplicating the call to contains.

You might also notice that while the add operation returns true or false to indicate whether the object was actually added or not, we don’t look at the return value. Since the only way it returns false is if the object already existed in the set, we really don’t care, since we just need to make sure the object is in the set.

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When we complete the loop for mySet, we use the exact same loop structure to walk through set2 and add all its elements into the result set. Again, we don’t care if the object is already in the list or not.

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Once we get through the second loop, we have added all the elements from mySet and set2 into our results set and all that is left to do is to return it to the calling function.

Now, we have two loops, so we run in at least 2N time. However, since we call set2’s add operation each time we go through the loop, which also runs in order N time, the union operation ends up running in 2N * N, or approximately N squared time.

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The final operation we will look at is the isSubset operation. The isSubset operation checks to see if each object in set2 is also contained in mySet. If it is, then set2 is a subset of mySet.

Computing the appropriate value is straightforward and follows the same structure as we’ve seen in most of the operations. We use a list iterator to walk through each object in set2. This time, however, we check to see if the current object is not in mySet. If it is not, then we return false to indicate that set2 is not a subset of mySet.

If we get to the end of the list and fall out of the loop, we then know that set2 is a subset of mySet and we should return true. Again, since we call the contains operation, which runs in order N time, within a loop that walks through each element in a set, the isSubset operation runs in order N time.

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In this video, we showed how we could build a set data structure on top of a doubly linked list. We found that due to the constraint the we have no duplicates within a set, the efficiency of our set was not as good, basically increasing the time for insertion from constant time to order N time. However, the list iterator operations were extremely useful when implementing operations like union, intersection, and isSubset operations.