Fall 19 Week 3


Edited Transcript

Hello and welcome to the week three announcements video. As you can see, I’m recording this from my desk in Kansas City. I don’t have my fancy green screen behind me, Not every week while I have that particular setup available as I record these. So hopefully you can bear with me with a slightly lower quality on the video for this one.

So first off, some quick announcements for week three. Don’t forget that Module 1 is due by Monday, September 9th at 11:59 PM. That means that you’ll need to have all of the work submitted via Codio as well as the confirmation quiz on Canvas completed by that deadline. So make sure you get that done.

For this coming week, if you’re following the standard pace in this class, you should start working on Module 2 which is the module on primitive data types. In that module, you’ll be looking at storing data in variables, primarily numerical data, and you’ll also learn how to do some simple math operations with that data. So this is really your first start into that larger world of programming and working with data. Module 2 and all of the things in a contained in it are due Monday, September the 16th also at 11:59 PM. And also remember that from here on out you’ll have one module’s worth of content due each Monday throughout the semester.

Some other quick announcements this week: you probably saw the note about the late policy. We’ve been having some trouble with Codio. When I make updates to the content in the course, it tends to go through and regrade everything that you’ve already completed. So because of that I’ve turned off the automatic assessment of the late policy in Canvas. Instead, we’ll be doing that manually. As the syllabus discusses, we’re looking at the confirmation quiz in Canvas as the date for when you completed everything in the module. So make sure you get that confirmation quiz completed to mark that you’ve done everything in that module on time.

Also don’t forget there is a bug bounty, extra credit assignment out there. So as you’re going through the content in this course, if you find anything that you think is wrong or could be improved or you run into problems, please post a note on [Piazza] and let us know and that can qualify you for those bug bounty extra credit points.

Speaking of Piazza, don’t forget that Piazza is the preferred method of communication for this course. So if you have any questions, comments, concerns, anything like that, please post it on Piazza. If you’re asking a question, I encourage you to post it openly so that the rest of the class can see it and answer it. That really helps us out. If we get multiple questions from multiple people, we can avoid that by having those questions posted publicly so other students can see the responses. The other reason we like to use Piazza is if you post a private message on Piazza, it goes to myself and the two GTAs. And so whichever one of us is available can answer that question pretty quickly for you.

Last up, a couple of quick deadlines. First off, don’t forget that the late enrollment deadline is September 16th. So if you know of anybody that still needs a class, they can join this class through September 16th. Also, if you’re considering dropping a class this semester, don’t forget that the hundred percent refund deadline is also September 16th. So you’ve got about one more week to look at your class schedule and make sure that you’ve got everything you need before those deadlines hit.

Other than that, I hope you have a great week. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to myself or the GTAs on Piazza and we’ll look forward to seeing your work in this class throughout the week. Have a good one.