Fall 19 Week 6


Edited Transcript

Good afternoon and welcome to the week 6 announcements video. First off, module 4 is due tonight, Monday, September 30th at 11:59 PM so don’t forget to get that submitted. For next week, you’ll be starting in on module 5, which is the loops module. You’ll cover for loops, while loops and how those loops interact with input in your programs. Module 4 and module 5 both together make up a pretty important segment of the CC 210 class, where you learn how to do program control flow in your programs using loops and conditional statements. Module 5 will be due Wednesday, October 9th at 5:00 PM. Please notice that that is a new due date for this module and I’ll update the due dates on Canvas, probably about the time that you see this video.

So, as you can tell we’re doing a new due date. I posted a poll on Piazza, about half of the class responded to that, but after looking at the poll and talking it over with myself and my TAs, we decided to move the due dates in this course, to Wednesdays at 5:00 PM, just to try that out. There’s a few reasons we want to do this. First off, it gives you two chances at office hours during the beginning of the week, both Mondays and Wednesdays. It also helps us avoid the problems where we were getting late night questions the night that something was due and either myself or the TAs weren’t available late at night to help anybody out with that project. So because of this, I really encourage you to try and start working on the project by Sunday. That means you can start a module on Wednesday and then hopefully by Sunday you’re ready to go with that module’s project. If you get stuck on the project Sunday, you can then get help on Monday through the office hours or through Piazza and then hopefully you’ll have time to finish the project either Monday or Tuesday so you can get it turned in before the due date. However, if you’re still working on the project, you’ll have a last chance to help on Wednesday during office hours and during the day, but your projects will be due Wednesdays at 5:00 PM. That way we don’t have any late night questions or any concerns about that via Piazza.

Other than that, don’t forget we still have office hours every week. Kyle and Josh are available both on Mondays and then Josh is available Wednesdays, Kyle is available on Fridays, so you have plenty of opportunities to get help you office hours. You can also meet them online via Zoom during their office hours or if those office hours times do not work for you, please email the TAs or post… actually we would prefer if you’d post on Piazza and let us know so we can schedule additional times. Just because it’s not office hours doesn’t mean that the TAs won’t meet with you. It just means that you have to schedule time with them instead of just appearing at their office hours, which are regularly scheduled. Also, don’t forget any questions, comments, feedback, anything on this course, please post that through Piazza. It really helps me keep track of it, and it also helps make sure that GTAs are able to see it as well. Finally, don’t forget today, September 30th, is the last day to drop a course without receiving a “W” on your transcript. So just in case you have a course you’re needing to drop, make sure you get that done today.

Otherwise, that covers the announcements. Don’t forget that Halloween’s coming up. So if you’re planning any Halloween parties in the next month, you might want to start sending out invitations. Otherwise, I will look forward to hearing back from you again next week. Have a good one!