Summer '20 Week 1


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to Week 1 of CC310 for the summer of 2020. I would like to welcome you, and as you may or may not have noticed by this point, this video is not scripted. This is just a weekly update video, so it’s more for housekeeping type details, things about the course things that I want to make note of. So it’s not scripted in the way that other course videos are scripted, the tutorials and whatnot. Like I said, this may be a weekly update, we hope to have them weekly, maybe bi-weekly, and just kind of depends on your reception of it.

I want to put a disclaimer out there. These videos are not necessarily up to the standard that has previously been set forth by the computational core program, which unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control, I’m not able to make it into the video studio on campus, and I’m waiting on a package that has a green screen and some lighting kit. So that will hopefully make it look better, and really echo the quality of videos that you guys are used to seeing. Once that stuff, either get settled, and I can go into the video studio, or once my package gets here, we hope to redo the videos to really bring that quality back up.

So a little bit about myself. my name is Emily Alfs-Votpika and please call me Emily. That is, I don’t know my preferred name, I guess. No need to say Mrs. Alfs-Votpika or anything like that and just Emily is fine. My pronouns are she and her, and please feel free to share your pronouns with me, especially if your preferred pronouns are different than what appears on record in KSIS. I also want to say, as a little note about myself is that I’m very excited to be teaching you. Even though we have kind of this limitation of not being able to meet in person or really face to face in the ways that we’re used to. I’m still very excited to have this opportunity to work with you and to help you grow as a student. I definitely want to be a resource and an advocate for you.

One thing that I really wanted to point out was due dates. The first due date is June 10, which is the Wednesday of the first week of classes. June 10, at 7pm module one is due. Throughout this course all of the due dates will be on Wednesdays at 7pm, so that will be consistent. The one thing that may change is the number of modules that are due. It will be either one or two modules are due each Wednesday. I went ahead and laid out the due dates for June. So modules two and three are due on the 17th and four and five are due on the 24th at 7pm Central Standard Time. Module One is primarily a review module. So, that shouldn’t be a whole lot of new content. It’s mostly kind of a refresher and a check in to see where you’re at with CC210 content. So along with the due dates, there are other a few other things that I want to mention. You’ll primarily be interacting with myself as we have no TA’s is over this summer. You may also interact with Russell Feldhausen, who you may have already met at this point in another course, and we both are very happy to be helping you. Definitely reach out to myself or to the CC310 help group. There’s more information on where to get help video on how to actually do that. I’m also happy to meet with you through zoom. If you have questions or need some kind of clarification that isn’t super convenient to type out in an email, or if something needs to be clarified more back and forth rather than a quick snippet. Like I said, I really want to be a resource for you so I am willing to meet with you via zoom. Again, we can’t meet in person unfortunately, again due to circumstances beyond our control, but again, I really want to be a resource for you. At this point, you could probably have a running tally of how many times I have said that I want to be a resource for you, and I genuinely mean it and I want it to come across that way. The other thing to note is that with these courses and the Computational Core beings, so new in terms of courses, they are pretty flexible, and we definitely want to stress that all changes will be clearly stated. So if there’s a change to the syllabus, or a change to a project or something, we will try to make that explicitly clear and also still having reasonable expectations for you as well as a student.

So I hope that you stay safe and stay healthy. Definitely feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. And I would like to stress that if you do get behind in modules, please, please reach out to me and I will help you get back on track. It is a very linear transference of knowledge. And that’s the way the modules have been built as well is that you can’t continue to another module unless you complete the one before it or the prerequisites. If you start to get behind it can really add up. Please reach out to me if you feel that you’ve gotten behind, and I would be more than happy to help you out on that. So thanks and I look forward to working with you this semester.