Summer '20 Week 2


Edited Transcript

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Hello, welcome to week 2 of CC310 for the Summer 2020. I hope that your summer courses are going well. This is just a weekly update for CC310 for week 2.

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First some housekeeping things. I wanted to make mention of drop dates just so you are aware of them. So the date to get a 100% refund is June 16; that is Tuesday. And then to get a 50% refund is June 19 and that is Friday. Just so you are aware of those.

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Next I wanted to mention some resources that are available to you as students. First is the Academic Achievement Center and they are running a little bit differently than usual because of COVID. So they do have online sessions that you can sign up for learning how to learn in online courses; working with some time management and skills that you may need while doing online courses. That can be really beneficial. That is at I went ahead and made some kind of official office hours. If you would like to meet but can’t meet during these times due to a job or just life, please let me know and I can do my best to accomodate for those. For Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I will be available from 1 to 4 PM on most of those days with a few exceptions here and there. And then on Fridays 1PM to 2:30. To schedule a meeting with me you can follow this link to my calnder which is a calendly calender; just There you can set up a time to meet with me in either a 15 minute, 30 minute, or one hour session.

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And then again I just wanted to make mention of the due dates. Modules 2 and 3 are due Wednesday June 17th at 7PM. 4 and 5 are due the 24th at 7PM. Then 6 is due on the first, July 1st at 7PM. And 7 is due on the 8th at 7PM. So we have two weeks coming of two modules per due date. After that we have two modules that just have their own due on their own days. However, don’t take those too lightly; they have a little bit more content, a little more weight to them, is why we chose to put those seperately. So definietely don’t be putting those off when the time comes.

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For now that is all that I have for you. Again, just make sure you are staying safe and staying healthy. And as always, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns, I would be happy to help!