Edited Transcript

Hello and welcome to the week 4 announcements video. I’m once again back at recording videos for this class. So I’m sitting in front of my fancy green screen. Unfortunately all you see is a gray screen behind me, but trust me, it’s actually green.

A couple of quick announcements. First off, don’t forget that this Monday, September 16th is the last day to drop a course with 100% refund. So if you are feeling like you need to drop any of the courses on your schedule Monday this week is the day to do that. It’s also the last day that you can enroll in a class without getting special permission to do that. So if you know somebody or you need an extra class, Monday’s the day to do that.

Also to keep in mind coming up next Monday, the 23rd is the 50% drop deadline. That means you can drop a class by next Monday and still get a 50% refund on your tuition. So keep that in mind as well.

This week you should have Module 2, which is the primitive data types module due on Monday, September 16th. It’s due at 11:59 PM via Canvas. As a quick reminder, remember that we’re looking at the submission time on your confirmation quiz to tell us when you’ve officially completed all of the work in that module. We’re still going to be assessing the late, late penalties manually for now just because of the problems we’ve been having with Codio. So that’s something to keep in mind.

For week three you’re going to be working on a module about Boolean logic. This is the one and only theory only module in this entire class, but we really want to spend some time talking about Boolean logic and make sure that you have a strong foundation in that because it comes up quite a lot in programming as you move forward. If you take any formal logic course or programming course before you may have seen a little work with Boolean logic, we’re hoping that this theory only module will help solidify that really well in your mind.

A couple of other things that are coming up. Don’t forget that you can still submit bugs or questions or comments via Piazza to get bug bounty, extra credit points. Also later in the semester we’re going to be sending out a quick survey, getting some quick feedback from you on what parts are most useful for you, what parts are less useful for you. That will help us as we develop these courses forward to know what parts students like to see and would like us to do more of and what parts you don’t find as useful. So we don’t spend as much time on those.

Also, my TA’s have sent some updates for their office hours. For the most part, they haven’t had anybody show up on Zoom recently, so if you want to join them via Zoom for office hours, please shoot them an email first to let them know you’re coming. That way they make sure that they have their Zoom room up and running, otherwise they won’t worry about that right away, just to be a little bit easier on them in their schedule.

Finally, if you’re interested, this Friday the 20th, I’m actually going to be on campus speaking at the K-State Have a Byte program. If you just Google Have a Byte K-State it’s a program through Global Campus that talks about online teaching. I’m going to be doing a little bit of talking about this class, so if you’re interested and have some free time on Friday afternoon, you’re more than welcome to come. It’s at three o’clock in the Wildcat Chamber, which is formerly the Little Theater in the K-State union.

That’s all I’ve got for this week. I hope you have a good time working on the Boolean logic module. If you have any questions at any time, feel free to contact me or the GTAs via Piazza. We’re always willing to help you. So I hope you have a great week and I will see you next week.