Spring '21 Week 2


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week two announcements video for CC 410 in Spring 2021. So this week, you should be wrapping up module one and hello real world, the first example projects in this class, they were actually both due Sunday night. But if you haven’t gotten them completed, you can still turn them in right now, check the late policy in the syllabus for the exact details of the late policy. But you can still turn things in late for most of the points as long as you’re only there so late. Also, if you ran into any trouble doing the hello real world project, please email me and let me know so that we can work through that. As you’re aware, this is a brand new class. And so things may go wrong. And we’re still learning the best way to do some of these things. So don’t be afraid to reach out if you have trouble. And let me know so that we can get past that. Oh, and also the other big thing going on in Module One Don’t forget is each of you should be scheduling a meeting with me to discuss your final projects, you need to have that meeting done no later than February 7, which is next Sunday. Although bear in mind, I don’t usually meet with students on Saturday and Sunday. So you probably need to do that this week. But the whole point of this meeting is for me to briefly talk to you about ideas for your final project and just get a feel for where you’re at in the class. So far, since we don’t meet in person. Otherwise, this is a great way for me to at least meet one on one with you a few times throughout the semester and see how things are going.

So for this week, everything is due on February 7, you have the meeting again, for final project, part one, you’re going to be working on module two, where we talk a lot about object oriented programming, something that you’ve seen and worked with for several classes at this point. But we’re really going to dive deep into the theory and why it is the way it is. And so we’ll do an example project for that where you’ll actually build some open some object oriented programming classes. And then based on that example, you’re going to work on milestone one of the big restaurant project. And that is something you should probably start ASAP because that is not a small milestone, and we’ll talk about that here in just a minute.

So some updates this week, I sent out an email earlier to see if folks were interested in a discord channel, there were enough responses that I’m going to go ahead and set that up. So if you’d like to join the K state computer science Discord server, you are more than welcome. The easiest way to get there is to go to this website, discord bot.cs ksu.edu. It will have you sign in with your case ad ID. And with your discord user account. If you don’t have a discord user account, you’ll need to create one first. And then it will invite your discord user to the server. And once that’s done, you can go to discord open up your discord account, and you should now see the computer science server in your list of servers, it’s a great way for us to keep track of it. So feel free to go there. If you look over on the left side under classes, there is a class channel for CC 410. If you type in there, you can ask me and I will usually respond pretty quickly if I’m at my computer. But of course bear in mind, this is not the official support channel for this class. So if you have a question, and it’s not answered on discord quick enough, make sure you email it to cc410-help, I guarantee that those will be responded within one business day. So make sure you do that. for grading in this class, something to be aware of there are rubrics on canvas. There’s also rubrics and all the assignments. And so you kind of know how much each of each part of the assignment is worth. Generally when I grade, I will put the points in Canvas. And I may put small comments in Canvas. But when we’re grading code assignments, I’m probably going to also leave code comments in GitHub on that feedback pull request that you’ll get an email about whenever you set up a Git repo. So keep an eye out for that. If you’re not sure how to find those, let me know and I’d be happy to walk through that with you. Other than that, I think things are going so far so good. I haven’t heard too many issues in this class. Although we are a very small group. I think there’s only four students actively working on this class right now. So if you have any comments or feedback or things that are going well, or things that aren’t going well, please let me know. It’s it’s something that’s really hard as an instructor, teaching an online class that’s brand new is getting that instant feedback from students, it’s really up to you to reach out to me, and let me know what’s going well and what’s not. So feel free to provide any feedback.

For this week, you’ll be working on the first milestone of the restaurant project. Throughout this semester, we’re going to build on a single project the restaurant project, we’re building a point of sale for a fictional restaurant. And so the first milestone is a lot of the baseline packages and classes we need for the menu. The restaurant I think has seven entrees, four sides and five drinks. So you’re going to have quite a few menu items that you’re you’ll have to keep track of. The first milestone is a lot of boilerplate code. It’s creating a class for each one of those creating the attributes creating the getters and setters and some of the other methods. And so the best thing I can say for the first milestone is work on the most complex item, which I think is the sandwich called the Riker. And then once you have that figured out a lot of that code, you can copy Paste carefully into other files and adapt slightly and make those work. For this first milestone, the only thing we’re grading you on is your class structure itself. We’re not looking at style and documentation. However, you can make things a lot easier on yourself. Now by thinking about style and documentation, maybe including some documentation, comments, maybe running the style checker a few times to make sure you’re not completely out of it. You know, if you get your style right on a file before you copy paste the code, it’s a lot easier than having to go back and fix it later. I estimate for most students, this milestone will take anywhere from three to eight hours depending on how comfortable you are with the tools. And with the coding process we’re going through, I was able to do it in a couple hours myself, it wasn’t too bad, but it is a lot of copy, paste. So make sure you keep an eye out for that. And this project is going to feel significantly larger than any project you’ve done up to this point, most likely, I estimate that this project requires anywhere from 1500 to 2500 lines of code, depending on how you write your code and how much documentation you include. Thinking back to CC 310, and 315. Most of those projects were 1000 lines or less maybe. So this one’s going to feel quite a bit larger. You have a whole week to work on this. It’s due Sunday night at midnight. Feedback is very welcome. I’m trying to get a feel for the scope of this course. I’m very confident that I think each of you can achieve this milestone in a week. But it’s something that you’ll want to do a little bit of time. It’s not something you can start on Sunday and expect to get done on Sunday, that’s going to be pushing it. It’s not to say it can’t be done. But I don’t recommend it, I would much prefer you start on this and work maybe an hour a day or something on it just to prevent you from getting burnt out as you get toward the end. So that’s something keep in mind. But please let me know if you have any comments or feedback on this milestone, I’m really curious to see how how well this goes and whether I need to adjust either due dates or expectations or things like that to fit with the class.

So looking ahead after module two, the week after that will be Module Three, we’ll talk more about documentation and unit testing. And then your milestone for that week will be to add unit tests to your project which again is a really, really big milestone. module four, we’ll discuss inheritance and polymorphism. And then for that project, we will go back in and refactor our code to add some inheritance and polymorphism to it. And in module five, we’ll talk about debugging. We’ll also talk about the second final project milestone. And as a quick heads up module four, module five are going to blend into each other. I think what we’re going to do for module four and five is do a lot of the introductory stuff on week four, and then the actual inheritance milestone and some example projects and the final project meaning we’ll all be on week five. So modules four and five will kind of blend out. But that gets us all the way through the end of February. And then starting in the March and April we will work on GUIs, Web API’s etc. I spent most of this weekend writing some demo projects for the GUIs that I think we’re going to create in this class. So I will know more about that project here in the next week or so. But that’s what I’m iterating on right now. That’s really all I’ve got for today. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, anything like that, feel free to reach out to me at the c410-help email address. You can also find me on discord if you join the discord server. I’m always here to help just let me know what I can do otherwise Good luck this week and I hope to hear from you all soon.