Spring '21 Week 6


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week six enhancements video for CC 410 in Spring 2021. We’re over a third of the way through the semester at this point. So hopefully should be wrapping up the stuff from last week, which was on debugging and logging and lambda expressions. There was also a restaurant milestone, this is the last of the data part of the restaurant milestone before we move into the GUI part. And also, I think each of you should have met with me for the final project. So looks like everyone’s final projects are going really well. But feel free to meet with me throughout the semester if you have questions. Otherwise, we’ll have our next final project milestone toward the end of March.

So this week, we have a pretty light week where we will basically be going over the basics of building a GUI or graphical user interface for our program. And so all you’re really going to be doing is exploring that example. And then working on your next restaurant milestone, which is building a GUI outline or a basic GUI for your restaurant. And so in this milestone, basically all you’re going to be doing is creating the overall GUI structure of your restaurant project. So all of the different panels, the buttons, the things that you’re going to need, the only thing we’re really going to build that actually works is the ability to click buttons and switch between panels. That just makes it easy. So you can build all the different panels that you need. And then next week, we’ll actually do Event Driven Programming, where we will wire up the rest of the GUI and make it all functional. In my example, I’m going to build on the Starfleet treats that we did way back earlier this semester. And one of the examples, we’re going to build upon that and build a simple GUI structure. The one thing I want to make very clear is I give one possible structure for the GUI. That doesn’t mean that you have to follow my example, this is just the one that I found to be the easiest to build and the one that made the most sense to me. But feel free to use your own design. If you want to customize your UI, make the buttons look different, make the layout different anything like that, it’s totally up to you, I’m going to show you the parts that you need to build the functionality. And then you’ll be able to work on the design and layout yourself. So feel free to get creative and do whatever you want on your UI as long as it kind of meets the basic requirements that we’re going for. Also, on the milestone at the bottom, I give some helpful hints for how you can automate some of the UI building process. for better for worse, building GUIs by hand is very repetitive. And it’s very, it’s a lot of repeated code. And so I’ll give you some quick shortcuts on how you can bypass some of that repeated code and simplify that a little bit. So I hope you find that very helpful for this milestone.

So looking ahead, like I said, after this week, the next week, we’re going to do on Event Driven Programming, where we will actually wire up the buttons and different things in our GUI, we’ll also add some unit tests to be able to verify that our graphical user interface is working correctly. Module eight is going to be on design patterns and combos. And in that module, we’ll also bring introduce unit test mocks, which allow us to fake some things in our unit test, which makes our unit tests a little bit easier for that part. And in module nine, we’ll work on bringing in an external library to handle our cash drawer and how we would actually do the checkout process. So those are really the next three modules. These four modules six through nine are going to be all GUI based modules. And then from there, we’ll have modules 10 through 12 or so that actually cover some other stuff like web API’s. So that’s where we’re going so far.

Otherwise, I think things are going well in this class we were through over a month at this point. The feedback seems pretty positive. But if you have any questions, concerns or anything I can do to change please let me know. Otherwise, keep rocking it out there and good luck this week and I will catch you next week.