Spring '21 Week 11


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week 11 announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2021. We’re on week 11, which is starting the next set of restaurant milestones. And so this week, we’re transferring our focus from actual desktop GUIs to data driven websites. So this chapter, we’re going to introduce the World Wide Web, we’re going to talk about all sorts of different web technologies. And then you’re actually going to learn the basics of building your own website using the application that we’ve already been working on. And then for the milestone, we’re going to actually build a menu that is driven based on the data in our existing application. However, I want you to keep in mind this week is the start of the weeks leading up to your final project presentation. And so these milestones are meant to be a little bit smaller and give you a little bit more time to work on your final project. So set yourself a goal to work on your final project a few hours each week, so you can keep iterating on it and keep improving it as we go along.

So for milestone eight, we’re going to learn about how to build a data driven website. To do that, we’re going to install a web framework into our existing restaurant application. And then in that framework, we’ll set up some routes will set up a controller will set up a Master Layout template. And I’ll actually show you in the example how to load a template from bootstrap, which is a great place to get a lot of template and CSS content. And then you’ll set up the templates for those routes. And at the end, you’ll actually be able to build a data driven menu, a menu that is built entirely on the fly based on the classes that we built in our restaurant application.

Looking ahead the next module after this, we’re going to spend a little bit of time on getting data from the web browser. So we’ll talk about web forms. And we’ll use that to actually create a filter for our menu. We’re also going to look a little bit at serialization. And I’m still taking a look at web API’s. I haven’t come up with a great way to include that into this yet. But my goal is one of the last milestones will at least cover some of the basic information or web API’s, probably linked into the restful stuff that we’re going to do in the next milestone. As a reminder, like I said, these are meant to be smaller milestones, I’m hoping that they don’t take quite as much time as last few restaurant milestones have. However, if you’re not familiar with web programming, or HTML and CSS, it might be a little bit of a transition for you. Don’t worry too much about how your website looks. We’re mainly focused on the functionality. But if you want to spend time working on the looks just like you did with the GUI project, you’re welcome to do that. My goal for this class is for the last restaurant milestone, either milestone 10, or 11. Depending on how big I make the last couple. I have that due on May 3, which is the first day of dead week. And that basically gives you all of dead we can all finals week to wrap up your final project, have a couple of project meetings with me and then schedule and present your final project presentation as the wrap up in this course.

So that’s all I’ve got for this week. We’re getting into the world wide web. I hope this is exciting and interesting to you especially because a lot of applications today, you really see more and more applications being used directly on the web. And so I think it’s a really cool skill for anybody in programming to have. I hope these next few modules are really useful to you and interesting. As always, if you have any questions you can contact me on discord or via email at the cc410-help email address. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing your websites and good luck this week.